Construction Accidents
Whether you’ve been injured in a road construction accident or injured while working at a construction site, Raposo & Lukacs is here to provide guidance and review your case. Contact us today to ensure you have someone in your corner.
Florida Road Construction Accidents
Highway construction sites are one of the most hazardous sites in the construction industry. A recent survey in NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) has stated that Florida is ranked 2nd in the U.S. when it comes to motor vehicle accidents on road construction sites causing at least 60 deaths and countless injuries every year.
Florida Work Zone Accident Statistics
A majority of victims of road construction accidents are caused by truck drivers involved in the road construction. Due to the size, weight, and carrying load of these trucks, these accidents tend to involve serious injuries or death to other drivers. These figures are much higher when compared to normal accidents.
Safeguarding Road Construction Sites
There are a series of safety procedures that construction companies should use to prevent accidents. These methods include:
- Properly formatted traffic control plans.
- Installation of traffic controlling devices
- Installing clear signs to warn of potentially dangerous conditions
- Information regarding ongoing projects to promote public awareness
- Effective use of strategies like speed reminders, signal timing, and traffic management
- Proper training of workers to ensure the best and safest practices.
- Conducting hazard assessment on regular basis.
Construction Site Accidents
Construction sites are the most hazardous places to work. According to a survey conducted by OSHA, the majority of accidents take place on construction sites. The most common accidents that take place on construction sites are:
When construction takes place at tall heights, injuries related to falling are quite common. Construction workers who are working from tall heights tend to fall from cranes, ladders, roofs, and scaffolding. In this case, the employee can file a personal injury lawsuit against the company claiming compensation. In order to prevent these types of accidents in the future, the company can make sure that their guardrails and scaffolds are well-built and workers are protected with rope grabs and harnesses.
Being hit by falling objects
Falling objects such as tools, debris, and other building materials can prove to be extremely fatal to workers. Sometimes, accidents take place if tools being used have not been secured in an accident-proof way. This can result in injuries that can involve life-threatening conditions like paralysis , traumatic brain injuries and even death.
Electrocution is another reason why many workers are fatally injured which is why electrical safety should be given utmost importance. The most common reasons for death include defective machinery, exposed wires, unfinished electrical systems and charged metal objects. The main cause for this is improper training of the worker as they can be unaware of keeping safe distance from the power lines and circuits. When they come in contact with these threats the result is death. In order to prevent these accidents, it is essential to train workers properly since many workers who are hired on basic skills have no knowledge about electrical security. Also, setting up supervisory levels to see if safety standards are being followed is also essential. Taking these small precautions can save many lives.
Steps to take if Injured on a Construction Site
If an injury has occurred, we encourage you to exercise your rights and maximize your chances of receiving a good sum of financial compensation for the injuries. You can follow these steps:
Get Medical Attention
The first and foremost thing to follow is seeking medical attention as soon as you are injured. Even if you feel that you have not been injured, getting yourself examined is extremely important since there are chances of internal bleeding and broken bones.
Follow your Doctor’s Advice
If your doctor advises that you should get yourself admitted to the hospital or advises you to not work, it is best that you follow their advice.
Report the Accident Immediately
If you are a construction worker who has been injured while working onsite, you will have to report your incident to the managing authority above you immediately. It is essential that you report the incident as soon as possible as there may be a time limit to report an incident.
Talk to an Attorney As Soon As Possible
If you have been injured on a construction site, the best thing to do is to speak to an attorney. The right legal advice will ensure that you get compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to ensure you have someone in your corner!